
In 2014, NordCap Advisors AS was organized by Christopher Green (Tall Ship Capital and Development) and Nils Trosterud in Oslo, Norway. The objective of NordCap Advisors was to fund environmentally friendly companies and green projects using primarily ESG equity investors and debt providers. Over the last ten years, we have financed green companies and projects in the following areas:

  • Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer Production Companies and Plants
  • Green Companies and Projects focused on the remediation of wastewater and biosolids
  • Companies and Projects involved in green gold mining and gold-backed digital assets on the blockchain.
  • Five-star hotel companies developing and operating green hotels and private condominium residences
  • Real Estate developers and companies developing and operating green real estate projects

Secured a $30 million equity investment and 10-year Sulfate of Potash fertilizer offtake agreement valued at $2 billion from Yara International, the world’s largest fertilizer company, for a publicly traded sulfate of potash producer listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Arranged a $150 million preferred equity investment from a major private equity fund for the same publicly traded sulfate of potash producer listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Secured a $200 million equity investment from EuroChem, a major fertilizer producer, to acquire and redevelop an existing and operating fertilizer plant to produces an environmentally-friendly, nitrogen fertilizer that uses remediated biosolids from sewage plants instead of water in the production of this fertilizer that minimizes leeching into water supply and the release of greenhouse gases into the

Invested in ION Digital Corp, a publicly traded green gold company that maps and digitizes in ground proven gold reserves creating gold backed digital assets that are onboarded on the block chain. These gold backed digital assets are used as collateral on green bonds. Currently, issuing $200 million of green bonds for ION to acquire proven gold reserves.

Assisting a developer of green five-star hotels and private condominium residences by issuing green bonds to finance the green five-star hotel and private residence development projects.  Currently, issuing $300 million of green bonds to finance the development of green five-star hotels and private residences.